Bawang Putih & The Night Sky
Written by Rassi Narika
Illustrated by Myra Bianda
On the night when Bawang Putih’s mother passed away, her father hugged her and whispered in her ear that when people die they fly up to the heavens and become stars. These words soothed her and she recalled them when years later she faced the unexpected death of her beloved father. The night after his burial, as her stepmother and stepsister, Bawang Merah, went home; she lay down in the field by her house and awaited the arrival of a new star. Sure enough, a vibrant star appeared when droplets of morning dew formed on blades of grass.
Bawang Putih believed that the stars were her guardian angels. She talked to them as if they were her old friends. The villagers became concerned when she began going into the woods at night and not returning until it was daylight. Deep in the woods was a plateau upon which Bawang Putih could stare at the night sky for hours whenever she felt forlorn. As the night sky fuelled her imagination, she envisioned the faraway kingdom whose king and queen formed the Cassiopeia constellation that she adored.
The position of this celestial configuration signaled the change of seasons and helped her prepare the plantation for seeding.
The plantation was all that her father left her. It was prosperous during his days, but today’s crops could not generate enough money to fund her stepmother and Bawang Merah’s extravagant lifestyle. Their oppressive and absurd jealousy toward Bawang Putih took its toll one night when Bawang Merah forced Bawang Putih to go to the creek in the woods to find the silk scarf she had inadvertently left behind that afternoon. It was a path Bawang Putih was familiar with. As the trees unraveled before her, the moon shone in a deep blue colour that unexpectedly illuminated an old wooden house.
“That’s odd, I have never seen that hut before,” thought Bawang Putih as she approached the humble structure. Through the windows, Bawang Putih saw an ogre cooking by the fire using the missing scarf as a potholder. Happy to have found her tyrant sister’s scarf, the fearless Bawang Putih knocked on the door. “Pardon my interruption, Sir, but I could not help but notice that you are in possession of my sister’s scarf and I have come to claim it.” Orion, the hunting ogre, was surprised by the brazen nature of the young girl at his doorstep. He roaringly laughed and replied, “I come down from my star once in a blue moon and you are the first guest I have ever had. It would be rude if I did not welcome you with a humble dinner, oh virtuous princess.”
Orion recited stories of the sky and the stars. He indeed knew the story of the royal family of Cassiopeia and was familiar with the stars of Bawang Putih’s mother and father. Hours passed like minutes and soon the first morning rays crept into the ogre’s cabin. As Bawang Putih bid farewell, Orion presented her with two jars of clay, “Please choose one, my darling, and take it home with you as a memento of our time together.” Not wanting to take too much from the ogre, Bawang Putih chose the smaller jar. She then gave Orion a hug and whispered, “I miss the warm embrace of my parents. Please bring this hug back to them.”
When Bawang Putih told her stepmother and Bawang Merah of her enchanted evening, they were filled with envy. Bawang Putih’s jar was indeed magical. As the sunlight warmed its content, the clay transformed into gold and precious jewel. Wanting a jar of their own, her stepmother and Bawang Merah set out to find the ogre. But magical blue moons are hard to come by, and the greedy pair, consumed with the promise of riches, roamed the enchanted forest for eternity.
Bawang Putih, now freed from her cruel housemates, returned to her plateau to take in the night sky. Under a blanket of vibrant stars, He indeed knew the story of the royal family of Cassiopeia and was familiar with the stars of Bawang Putih’s mother and father. Hours passed like minutes and soon the first morning rays crept into the ogre’s cabin. As Bawang Putih bid farewell, Orion presented her with two jars of clay, “Please choose one, my darling, and take it home with you as a memento of our time together.” Not wanting to take too much from the ogre, Bawang Putih chose the smaller jar. She then gave Orion a hug and whispered, “I miss the warm embrace of my parents. Please bring this hug back to them.”
When Bawang Putih told her stepmother and Bawang Merah of her enchanted evening, they were filled with envy. Bawang Putih’s jar was indeed magical. As the sunlight warmed its content, the clay transformed into gold and precious jewel. Wanting a jar of their own, her stepmother and Bawang Merah set out to find the ogre. But magical blue moons are hard to come by, and the greedy pair, consumed with the promise of riches, roamed the enchanted forest for eternity.
Bawang Putih, now freed from her cruel housemates, returned to her plateau to take in the night sky. Under a blanket of vibrant stars, she fell asleep and dreamt of being reunited with her generous friend and her loving parents. They chanted these words of wisdom:
“Jealousy is like the cloud that stifles the night sky,
it masks the beauty of stars and hinders inner strength.
Your virtue is your star, it has been there all along.
Worry no more of what you are not, everything you need is within.”