
Étude is a short musical arrangement, usually for a specific instrument, designed as practice material for improving a particular musical skill. ‘Étude5’ is a visual study based on a contemporary musical technique by Arnold Schoenberg, also known as ‘Serialism’. It is a composition system in which all notes are of equal importance. Using the same principle, ‘Étude5’ depicts an abstract arrangement where each colour proposes a unique voice, yet parallel in values. It requires a sensitive sensory experience to take pleasure in this composition. 


This visual study has provided an important insight into understanding many communication conflicts concerning the polarity of cultures. Through years of urbanisation, we are uprooted continuously from our childhood areas and relocated into different cultures. Smartphone technology and social media also pose new challenges in human connectivity. More than ever, humans are challenged to listen without prejudice, to be more open-minded, and to have the courage to question our habits. Today we are living in a world where almost every element has multiple perspectives.


Prints Edition ‘Étude5’ was first published in 2018 as part of my visual essay ‘Lelono’. 

–Melissa Sunjaya, Jakarta 2020

Tulisan Prints Edition
Launch date:
Saturday, 28 November 2020
At tulisan.com & Tulisan Boutiques
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Service hours: 11:00 – 18:00 WIB

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