
Mereka & Coretan | Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Sketch or drawing is a liberal realm, a comfort zone, a sanctuary of creativity that exist within the creative process. Yet, it is a crucial element and data in documenting the artistic and aesthetic progress of an artist. And they are S. Teddy D., Yustoni Volunteero and Farhan Siki who had done it in their works in this “Mereka dan Coretan” exhibition. They present the exploration of their preliminary sketches, doodles, drawings on canvas and display them to a wider audience.

opening by Ni Luh Sekar,
editor in-chief dewi magazine

Dia.Lo.Gue artspace 
jl kemang selatan 99a
jakarta 12730, indonesia

For more information: dialogue-artspace.com


A Little Fairy Tale | Saturday, 30 August 2014

In the world of figure theatre The Magical Little Theatre has become a household name in a short time and is attracting visitors from home and abroad. The Magical Little Theater has won many awards. Charlotte Puijk Joolen is the artistic genius of The Magical Little Theatre. She is not only the artistic director, but designs, makes and plays all the performances herself. She is specialized in puppetry.

Eramus Huis
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said kav. S-3,
Kuningan, Jakarta

For more information visit: erasmushuis-in.nlmission.org

Young and Old, Old and Young | Until 13 September  2014

This exhibition is a collaboration between the Indonesian photographer Rainer Oktovianus and the Dutch photographer Marco van Duyvendijk.

Dutch photographer Marco van Duyvendijk shows us a series of portraits of the young generation. As a photographer he always preferred working with young people. He likes their dynamics and sensitivity. On the contrary to the Indonesian photographer Rainer Oktovianus who shows us a series of portraits of the old generation. He captures people in general in daily motion and activities.

Eramus Huis
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said kav. S-3,
Kuningan, Jakarta

For more information visit: erasmushuis-in.nlmission.org

– Tulisan Chronicles Team

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