It is the changing of the season and the weather have gone progressively colder. This is the time of the year when I feel most prone to flu and mood swings. If I could, I would have had captured the sunlight and kept it in a jar to warm me up when the days are blue. But I got something just as good;

Liquid Sunshine

Ingredients (serving 7 glasses)

  • 60 oz water
  • 5 turmeric root
  • 2 ginger root
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 lemongrass stem
  • 1 teaspoon Himalaya Rock Crystal (also known as pink salt)
  • Palm Sugar/ Honey to taste (optional)


  1. Peel turmeric and ginger root cleanly.
  2. Proceed to slice them thinly along with the lemongrass stem. Set aside.
  3. Boil water and pour it into the herbs.
  4. Squeeze lemon and add pink salt into the mixture.

The mixture would hold up for a week if you put in the refrigerator. So it was perfect for me, I only need to set aside an hour every weekend to make it.

The recipe was a family secret from Didi, Melissa’s mom. She knew how I sometime struggle to keep my body fit against the indecisive weather.  After consulting with my homeopath, she said that the Himalayan Rock Salt keeps its crystal form which helps to preserve the minerals that are important for our body. The usual table salt had gone through numerous processing so it lose most of its mineral.

It was a mighty mixture indeed. Turmeric is the natural anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and stress-relieving ingredients; while ginger is known as the nature’ medicine for nausea, migraine, sore-throat, and flu. To top it off, a recent scientific research found that lemongrass is also beneficial for cancer prevention. I think this would help me a lot through these stormy days.

Liquid Sunshine for everyone!

– xox, Shalimma Robbiaswaty


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