Indonesia is the home of some of the best tasting mangoes in the world.  The fruit is not only rich in flavor, but also in nutrients. The antioxidant vitamins A and C, beta-carotene,  and polyphenols are only a few to mention.

To pick that fresh and well-ripen mango, I noted these tips from Didi, Melissa’s mom:

  1. Look for that fresh green skin. The more vibrant it looks, the fresher it is.
  2. The end-shape of the mango – where the stem used to be – should be round. It tells if the fruit has grown to its maturity level and sweetness.
  3. The tenderness of the skin would also tell if the mango has completely ripen. If it is too hard, the mango is still raw and sour; too soft then it is too ripe.

With a pinch of salt and a drip of lemon juice to top it off, enjoy the freshness of every bite!

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