The 2nd of May commemorates Indonesia’s National Education Day. The date was chosen after the birthday of Ki Hajar Dewantara, who fought for better and equal education for Indonesia’s local people during colonizations

In honor of the day, I feel much obliged to share some of my favorite movements in education. Happy National Education Day! – Rassi Narika

1. 10 x 10: Girl Rising

Girl Rising is a powerful film that showcases the power of education – especially among girls – to change the world. The film features 9 extraordinary girls from 9 countries, written by 9 celebrated writers and narrated by 9 renowned actresses. I can’t wait for it to be played in Indonesia!

2. Kampus Diakonia Modern (KDM)

The courageous staff, volunteer, and children at KDM have created one of the best story for me through Pepe Doll. Since 1972 KDM reaches out for the children of the street to provide them with skill, education, and a better life quality.

3. Indonesia Mengajar

The name literally means “Indonesia Teaches” when translated. Initiated by Anies Baswedan, this movement recruits the nations’s best minds to be sent as elementary schools’ teachers in remote areas for one year. Despite being crème de la crème of their degree, these teachers are prepared to enrich and inspire children – with limited access of higher education – to dream beyond. At the end, however, it was these young teachers who came back retaining the lesson of life as they take parts in building the future. Image taken from Indonesia Mengajar Facebook Page.

4. SabangMerauke

A friend of mine introduced me to this rigorous and passionate initiative. Founded by a group of young Indonesians who learned how intercultural experiences open doors for tolerance – especially in a country as diverse as Indonesia. The name literally stands for Thousands Children of the Nation Travel to Return. It seeks middle school students to take part in an exchange program for two weeks within Indonesia. These students will then be triggered to intercultural understandings through interactions of different customs, beliefs, and family life.

As the team crowd fund to help funding the program, they are also seeing the debut of the first batch in Jakarta this June. Contribution in logistic, fund, and volunteers are still open through this link.

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