Tulisan Premier Collections are now featured at the heart of Hong Kong’s SoHo district, in collaboration with the eclectic Fang Fong Projects.

Fang Fong uses vintage-modern coexist concept utilizing stock and vintage fabric to create contemporary styles.

They curate colorful swatches and playful pattern for the shop. I love how our products seem like it was meant to be there.

Our Hong Kong distributor and team – One Arcane Road – brilliantly translated Tulisan’s visual merchandise concepts through the window display.

The color schemes boldly pop as you walk by.

Fang Fong Project is at: 69A Peel Street, Central, HK | Phone: 00 852 3105 5557

One Arcane Road also visited our Flagship Store in Jakarta last Fall to shoot this video feature on Tulisan. – Rassi Narika

Also watch: Tulisan in collaboration with Fang Fong Project. 


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