
On Monday, 14 October 2013, Tulisan is introducing the first delivery of my illustrated editions of Fall/Winter 2013-2014 Collection. The prints of Luca feature five-colored textile work using illustrated character and botanical elements from my Original Edition ‘Love Letters of Roro Mendut’. This edition was based on a classic Indonesian folktales, about a young Javanese princess in her adolescence who fought for her believe and passion. JOU_1206OT_02

I re-told this fiction from a personal angle where the story focused on the princess’s audacious spirit and her letters which conveyed messages of emancipation and freedom. JOU_FW13_14

In my version, Luca was the name of Roro Mendut’s beloved friend, a white homing pigeon who was the keeper of her deepest secrets and the courier of her private letters.JOU_FW13_11

As part of my reseach in developing the prints of Luca, I was inspired by William Morris – the most influential Medieval artist, writer & poet from England in the nineteenth century. Later in the work, I also infused fresh contemporary colors of tile works from Peranakan Chinese, so that the final print collection depicts a sensual taste of East and West.


Please come to my boutique at Darmawangsa Square on Monday, _x0003_I will be there to meet you and to sign your bag if you wish. Thank you for appreciating my work._x0003_ Triple kisses, Melissa.


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