After watching the film “Exit Through the Gift Shop,” Melissa and I shared a lengthly discussion about the value of art. “Exit Through the Gift Shop” created by Banksy chronicles the obsession of  self-proclaimed filmmaker ‘Thierry Guetta’ on documenting the movement of graffiti and street art movement which unravels many well-known graffiti artist as Banksy, Shepard Fairey, Space Invader and many others. Having being profusely obsessed about the creation of art, Thierry on a fate encounter with Banksy decided he wanted emulate the process of street art himself by making his own identity “Mr. Brainwash.”

The film touches interesting points on the subject of art as an expression, as a replica, and  art as a craft. While Thierry instantly labeled himself as an artist and earned recognition for it, his motives was questionable. As I continued my discussion, Melissa shared her thoughts which pertained to the idea of the increasing value of your craftsmanship , “If human beings consume products that contain empathy and deeper value, the products will get passed on to many generations instead of having shorter life cycles, where at the end of the cycle the products usually get tossed.” 

If anything, the film remarkably pokes fun on what it means to been an artist. As Melissa continues “The values of art work gets raised as people understand the methodology and conceptual thinking behind the artist. It is exactly what makes Banksy one of the highest rated contemporary artist in our time.” Perfectly capturing the essence that being an artists is not mere recognition, but as Bansky also puts in the film, it is about years of perfecting your craft to finally seeing the value in it.  

Warmest regards, Fadly C.A.P

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