
On the often-murky asphalt roads, we see little scurry feet roaming around knocking car window over car window asking a single dime to trade in for comfort.

A face with no name, a view with no recalling memory, and a lifetime of fear and harshness rooted in their skin.  We often live at haste often forgetting the eyes which will forever long for a warm loving embrace.

This is the story of the street children in Jakarta elaborated through Pepe and The Flying Balloon, a story written by Melissa Sunjaya. This December 2014, KDM Street Children together with the production A Chance to Dance are bringing the compassionate story to life through a live performance coming this December 2014. Expect a enchanting performance by the earnest group who will surprise us by bringing this story closer to our hearts.

The performances are shown twice on the following dates:

12 December 2014 | 7 PM
13 December 2014 | 3 PM

HET Erasmushuis
Jl. Hr Rasuna Said Kav. S-3
Jakarta 12950

Read through the beloved story of Pepe and The Flying Balloon here.


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