WP_NAMARINA8_01Whatever you have planned this weekend, you don’t want to miss 8 by Namarina Youth Dance! The performance will be showing twice at the Gedung Kesenian Jakarta: on Saturday, 23 November at 8.00 pm and on Sunday, 24 November at 4.00 pm. Admission: IDR200,000.  Tickets: namarina@indosat.net.id or call +62 21 829 4777.WP_NAMARINA8_02

“8” has been used as symbols since 5,000 BC. To the ancient Egyptian, “8” symbolized the cosmic order; to the ancient Greek it meant love and friendship; to the Chinese it represents the universe; to the Japanese it is a symbol of multiplicity; and when positioned horizontally it becomes the mathematical symbol for ‘infinity’.


One subject can be viewed differently, and this is exactly what this production is all about. With different cultural and technical backgrounds, three Asian choreographers interpret Western-based dance forms and make it their own. Jeffrey Tan from Singapore explores ballet in contemporary approach, Kim Jae Duk of South Korea lays out his expression in modern manner, while NYD’s very own Dinar Karina expresses her ideas with her own jazz style in one number, and embracing the local traditional dance in her ballet piece.


Jeffrey Tan came from a classical background, and was former Principal Dancer and Resident Choreographer with The Singapore Dance Theatre. Currently Jeffrey is the Principal of The Singapore Ballet Academy. 

WP_NAMARINA8_05Kim Jae Duk received the Best New Dancer Award in 2010 from The Modern Dance Promotion of Korea, and aside from being the Artistic Director of his own company, Modern Table, Jae Duk is also the current Associate Choreographer for T.H.E. Dance Company, Singapore.

WP_NAMARINA8_06 The performance will be held for 2 (two) days, at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, featuring Namarina Youth Dance dancers, two guest dancers, and also supported by Namarina Youth Dance Apprentice and selected students from Namarina School. WP_NAMARINA8_07 Dance pieces that will be featured in this production are Symbiotic Metamorphosis (by Jeffrey Tan), Second Hand (by Kim Jae Duk), Identity and Jegeg (by Dinar Karina).WP_NAMARINA8_08

Namarina Youth Dance (NYD) is a semi-professional dance company, established in 2006 with its roots in classical ballet while incorporating traditional culture, with hopes to be able to put Indonesia on the map of the dancing world. NYD was initiated with the aim to become a vessel to nurture and develop the many talents of young Indonesian dancers, and to improve the position of dancing as a profession in society. Moreover, Namarina Youth Dance also carries a mission to participate in the development of healthy, creative and character-rich Indonesian dancing heritage and to take part and enrich Indonesia’s cultural life.

WP_NAMARINA8_09Photography by Namarina Youth Dance


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